Tom Holert

Tom Holert (* 1962) is an art historian, critic, curator and artist who lives in Berlin while teaching and conducting research at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Holert (co-)authored books on visual culture, politics, war, mobility, glamour, and the governmentality of the present – most recently Fliehkraft. Gesellschaft in Bewegung – von Migranten und Touristen (with Mark Terkessidis, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2006), Marc Camille Chaimowicz. Celebration? Realife (Afterall/MIT Press 2007), Regieren im Bildraum (b_books/Polypen, 2008), Das Erziehungsbild (ed., with Marion von Osten, Schleebrügge.Editor, forthcoming). As an artist Holert recently participated in Mimétisme (Extra City, Antwerp, 2007), Manifesta 7 (Trento 2008), Fake or Feint (Berlin 2009), Modernologies (MACBA, Barcelona, 2009 and Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2010).