Sabine Maria Schmidt
Sabine Maria Schmidt, born nearby Osnabrück (Germany), curator and author, studied literature, music and art history at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität in Münster, Germany (1986-1992). She researched and lived in Italy (1988) and Spain (1995-96). 1997 was finished her doctoral thesis about the spanish sculptor “Eduardo Chillida. The monuments in public spaces” (published in 2000).
She works since 2007 as curator of contemporary art at the Museum Folkwang (Essen, Germany), formerly at the Kunsthalle Bremen (1997 – 2000) and the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Foundation in Duisburg (2002 – 2007) and also as free-lance curator for the art academy at Bremen and the media center at Oldenburg (2000 – 2001).
Her recent exhibitions and publications focused on the social and political relevance of contemporary art, e.g.: “Fact / Fiction” (2000) “Tactics of the Ego” (2003), “Designing Truth” (2006), Fusion / Confusion. The Art of Reference (2008), “Atelier Van Lieshout. Cradle to Cradle” (3rd Moscow Biennial 2009), ”Residual. Artistical Interventions in the City” (Mexiko City, MUCA ROMA und Goethe Institut, Mexiko), “Hacking the City” (2010, Essen, Project for the Cultural Capital 2010). Publishing since her academic studies her writings focus on the art of the 20th and 21th century, on video art and new media.