Intro(circle) extraducing
Guided Tour Through Berne
Opening Event at the Zentrum Paul Klee
Lecture by Constanze Eckert
Performance Indermedia and Workshop by Pascale Grau
Lecture by Franziska Dürr
Workshop "12 meet 12 - Bernese Cantonal Bank BEKB"
Guided Tour through Studios of Bernese Artists
Lecture by Henrietta Hine
Excursion to Bernese Oberland
Nominators`Day - Visit of the Presentation of the Fellows` Work
Closing Celebration Academy 2011 and Book Launch Publication 2010
Buffet of the Bernese Cantonal Bank BEKB, Event Lounge Schwellenmättli, Berne
Collective Performance Fellows
Lecture "On the Tension at the Edges and Why Dust Balls form Right There" by Constanze Eckert, August 18, 2011, Stadtgalerie PROGR Berne
Video by David Röthlisberger