Linda Franke
Linda Franke (*1980 Dresden/Germany) lives and works in Germany. She studied Art at the Bauhaus University Weimar and at the University of Art in Berlin. She deals with installation and performance and creates in her works fantastic environments that celebrate their makeshiftness; they remain sets with missing parts and so never truly become illusions.
2010 Goldrausch scholarship Berlin
2009 artist fellow at sommerakademie Bern, Switzerland
2009 residency at CCA Glasgow, UK
2007-2008 scholarship, Nafög Senat Berlin
2007 Meisterschüler at UdK Berlin
2005- 2006 Erasmus exchange at „ Chelsea school of Art and Design“ London, Uk
2001- 2006 continue studies at Universität der Künste Berlin
2000- 2001 studies fine art at Bauhausuniversität Weimar