Reader 2014
Dario Gamboni
Un pli entre science et art: Hermann Rorschach et son test
in: Autorität des Wissens: Kunst- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte im Dialog, p. 47-82
hrsg. von Anne von der Heiden und Nina Zschokke
Zürich, Diaphanes, 2012.
Recommended by Raimundas Malašauskas
Recommended by Denise Ferreira Da Silva
Walter Benjamin
The Arcades Project, Harvard University press, 1999 - pp. 456-489 (Convolutes, N [On the Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Progress])
Recommended by Ieva Misevičiūtė
The Science of Passionate Interests: An Introduction to Gabriel Tarde’s Economic Anthropology Paperback
by Bruno Latour (Author), Vincent Antonin Lepinay (Author)
Stewart Lee on the creative impulse and the stretch of imagination.
The Rorschach-Test
The Rorschach
Basic Foundations and Principles of Interpretation (Volume 1 )
It provides information on administering, scoring, and interpreting the Rorschach Inkblot Test, as well as normative data, coverage of controversies and criticisms of the test, and illustrative case studies.