- Intro(circle) extraducing
- Guided Tour Through Berne
- Opening Event at the Zentrum Paul Klee
- Lecture by Constanze Eckert
- Performance Indermedia and Workshop by Pascale Grau
- Lecture by Franziska Dürr
- Workshop "12 meet 12 - Bernese Cantonal Bank BEKB"
- Guided Tour through Studios of Bernese Artists
- Lecture by Henrietta Hine
- Excursion to Bernese Oberland
- Nominators`Day - Visit of the Presentation of the Fellows` Work
- Closing Celebration Academy 2011 and Book Launch Publication 2010
- Buffet of the Bernese Cantonal Bank BEKB, Event Lounge Schwellenmättli, Berne
- Collective Performance Fellows
Collective Performance Fellows, August 25, 2011
Video by David Röthlisberger