Snow Black, Yvon Lambert New York - an exhibition of only invisible artworks by different artists. The show challenges the local economy. In NY it was visible after hours - in the windows of the gallery, after dark in uv light.JPG
Trailer Part 1.Times Square.NY. Trailer of unexisting sci-fi film inserted between Panasonic Screen commercials.
Plutonium MacGuffin - a copy of empty plint of a statue of Charles Fourrier in Paris. The plinth is made of Corian - the only fake substance (fake stone) much more expensive then the original substance
Hypothetical Value - a 3 in 1 artwork changing the author depending on the weather conditions and light. It is a painting of W.Sasnel in the sunlight, a work of Jan Simon below 21 degrees and Gianni Motti's work in uv light.jpg