"Film Festival", version 3, 2007 - (ongoing project)
Espace Expérimental, FRAC Ile-de-France/ Le Plateau, Paris, 2008/09
Courtesy of the artist and Col. FRAC Ile-de-France
Photo: Martin Argyroglo Callias Bey
"Start Series (Japan Today: Nagasaki A Ship Building City, n/d; Geography of South America: Brasil, 1972; Faith in Ourselves, 1967; Yau Kai in Hong Kong, 1982; Scandinavian: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 1973; Jonhson Holiday: Navajo Boy, 1974; Making a Champion, 1969; The Ancient Chinese, 1976)", 2007
C-print with diasec, 200 x 150 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Pedro Cera
"Start Series (Australia: Chalenge of Growing Nation, 1966; South Korea: The First Twenty Years, 1974; Mexico Part II: Central and Gulf Regions, 1964; Nous Voyageons em France, n.d.; African Continent: Tropical Region, 1962)", 2008
C-print with diasec, 200 x 150 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Pedro Cera
Lecture "Growth and Culture", 2008 - (ongoing project) Guest: (...) Introduction: José Mabril, Anthropologist Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon |
Lecture "Growth and Culture", 2008 - (ongoing project) Guest: (...) Introduction: Rita d’ Ávila Cachado, Anthropologist Centro Cultural de Lagos, Lagos |
Lecture "Growth and Culture", 2008 - (ongoing project) Guest: (...) Introduction: Rita d’ Ávila Cachado, Anthropologist Centro Cultural de Lagos, Lagos |
© 2016 Stiftung Sommerakademie im Zentrum Paul Klee |