Name: Clare Butcher
Nationality: ZW/ZA
Place of Birth: Harare, Zimbabwe
Year of Birth: 1985
Areas of Work: Curating, teaching, writing, research
Clare Butcher is a teacher, curator and writer who cooks.
She currently reads a lot with students at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Piet Zwart Institute, while also being a member of the "School of Missing Studies" at the Sandberg Institute.
Clare completed the de Appel Curatorial Programme in 2009 before which, she worked as a guest curator at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.
Clare was co-editor and organiser of the Autonomy Project ( and also initiated the Annex Residency Programme with the South African National Gallery.
She completed her MFA in Curating the Archive at the University of Cape Town in 2012.
Intervention by Clare Butcher
Opening Celebration of the Sommerakademie 2015
August 14, 2015, Restaurant Schwellenmätteli, Bern
Video by David Röthlisberger
Title: Disappearing canapé - #horsd'oeurvention
Description: According to Scottish comedian Danny Bhoy, "canapés are counterproductive". In the midst of a professional gathering - the primary point of which is to observe social graces and appear engaged in the conversation - haunting trays of passing finger food are a constant distraction. A call to our less professional intentions. And as the "hors d'oeuvres" (literally meaning "apart from the main work") skirt the margins of our awareness, we each become part of an awkward choreography.
With special thanks to Flurina Casty.