Karl Holmqvist
Karl Holmqvist was born 1964 in Västerås, Sweden. Lives and works in Stockholm and Berlin. Since the late eighties Karl Holmqvist works with language experimentation in formats such as artist's books, video, live performance and sculpture. His writing involves re-writing of quotations from a wide variety of sources, picked up from memory and often affecting a radical shift in meaning from the original. Inspired by collective writing, found language, lettriste and automated attempts at bringing language beyond linearity and the rational. His one-person exhibition I'LL MAKE THE WORLD EXPLODE was held last year at Galerie Giti Nourbakhsch in Berlin, this summer he participated in a two-person exhibition together with Joachim Koester 'Hymn to Pan' at the Badischer Kunstverein in Karlsruhe, and in the group exhibition '27 Senses' on the legacy of Kurt Schwitters at the Chisenhale Gallery in London. A selection of his writing was published last year in the artist's book 'What's My Name?' by BookWorks, London 2009.