Explanation from the perspective of a Fellow how the numerous poster/radio/newspaper productions were produced

The making of the numerous projects was a result of the daily discussions and work presentations. In the first day we established a few parameters as the basis for the production of the materials: i.e. the general format of the work – using the format of a joke/cartoon in the posters etc.
In the subsequent days we maintained a similar work process: first there were presentations from two or three fellows with a short discussion of each of those presentations, followed by a sort of final cross-referencing of all the ideas generated. It was from here that we drew the themes of the posters/radio/newspaper. These materials functioned in my view not so much as a final project but as an engine for decision making based on our discussions.
The materials produced were in my view fundamental for the development of the discussions. This because they imposed a work pace; made us seek collective (if heterogeneous) conclusions from our discussions, evening lectures and field trip; and required that we make concrete decisions regarding these conclusions. 
The discussions were always very civil and Jan Verwoert played the role of moderator and guide, making an effort to give room for all to speak and forcing us to focus on the decision making process when the deadlines came up. As with any democratic process we sometimes were able to come to an agreement through compromise, on other occasions we narrowed down to two or three positions and put them to a vote. Despite the fact that we were a large group there was never a serious contention, and for that I take my hat off to Jan.

(by Rita Sobral Campos, Fellow Sommerakademie 2010)